Voce divina
Voce divina
Voce divina
Voce divina
alternative healing


“We are grateful that we can meet such exceptional and brave people in our studio, that we have the opportunity to see the smiles and joy in the eyes of those who bravely set out on their own path and hear their Voice again.” Barbara Vodnik

  • vibracijska medicina voce divina
  • vibracijske konstelacije postavitve
  • YOn
  • spa voce divina
  • akademija academia voce divina
  • odmiki duhovna potovanja voce divina

With respect and gratitude, we pave the way for holistic vibration medicine here as well

As the first and currently the only one in Slovenia, we work in the ENERGY – VIBRATION MEDICINE field, supported by the alchemy of musical creativity, which helps the individual to achieve psychophysical harmonization as well as personal and spiritual progress.

Current events

In the safe space of the Voce divina Holistic Studio, we enable people to:

  • transform your psychophysical health of body and mind,

  • recognize, face and release your repetitive patterns, wounds, trauma,

  • achieve acceptance and self-awareness in relation to oneself and others,

  • find the strength to use your voice and express your emotions, hardships, longings,

  • get to know your individual energy-vibrational system,

  • to live in accordance with the awareness of one’s own truth,

  • upgrade your personal and spiritual development and act in the direction of your purpose,

  • vibrate your mission through the frequency of the fundamental primordial,

  • here and now to step onto the stage of life, liberated and empowered.


A moment of rebirth

“At the first meeting, we especially notice a person’s relief at being heard, accepted and understood. People breathe a sigh of relief after the initial conversation because they are accepted in their differences, and the initial distress, uncertainty, shame, and inability to express themselves turn into self-confidence and self-belief.”

Who in our studio offers you a hand and guides you along the path of liberation?


Musician, teacher, therapist and mentor to many who started their journey of exploring life in a family where there was a lot of singing and dancing. Singing was part of her life and the life of her ancestors, who passed on to her the primal love of voice, singing, and music, which she says is part of her essence, without which she could not live.

Her respectful love for musical heritage led her on a professional musical path. She studied sacred music in Rome, classical music in Graz, majoring in opera singing, and then she accepted the path of her truth and went to study in London, where she met with holistic alternative therapeutic approaches, connected to freeing the voice and singing. A world opened up to her where she found everything she was looking for.

People mentioned more and more often her voice and its influence on them because, through the fusion of herself, she acted ethereal, liberating, and inspiring. She began to realize the vibration, penetration and power of her voice and felt it in sincerity and heart as a gift that she wanted to give to everyone, not only to the audience in front of the stage, but as a tool of cognition on the path of transformation and self-healing.

Barbara’s dedication to her work is evident in her relationship based on trust and her unwavering willingness to “be a man to man”, even when adversity is stronger than the will to progress. The warmth of her hand is here “always and for everyone”, which reflects her deep love and dedication to her own mission here and now, as many people remain in contact with her even after the treatments have ended.


»Barbara te s svojim neizmerno lepim glasom in zvokom njenih instrumentov popelje v pozabljeno preteklost, da se ponovno spomniš občutkov, ki ti pomagajo prebuditi Žensko v tebi. Vsaka individualna ura ali delavnica z Barbaro je čarobna. Še prosim!«

»Barbara Vodnik je izjemno tankočutna terapevtka, ki s svojim obširnim znanjem in intuicijo pri vsakomur najde vzrok težav in ga tako na energijski ravni kot z nasveti pomaga odpraviti. Vidi klientov potencial, ga podpre na pravi način, mu stoji ob strani pri raztapljanju blokad in ga spodbuja na njegovi poti iskanja in izražanja samega sebe v svetu.«

Katarina M.

»Z Barbaro ni šale. Ob mojem prvem obisku ni potrebovala niti 10 minut da me je – skeptika – pustila brez besed. Barbara ni ena izmed tisočih samooklicanih zdravilcev z izobešenimi diplomami na steni – rojena je z redkim darom in je avtentična strokovnjakinja. Na misel mi ne pride, da bi se obrnila na koga drugega! Hvala draga Barbara, da si me predstavila samo sebi. Sploh nisem vedela s kako močno osebo v sebi živim vsak dan. Želim si, da bi se tega zavedali tudi drugi. Priporočam te z vsem spoštovanjem!«


»Barbara je kot sonce tiste galaksije, ki je z umom ne moremo najti, pridemo pa do nje lahko samo s srcem. Ker njeno je tako veliko, da se za vsakogar najde prostor in tako nesebično, da še najbolj pogumni postanejo ponižni. Preprosto je luč, ki zasveti, ko misliš, da je že povsod zmanjkalo elektrike. Njeno delo je predano in usmerjeno, da pomaga človeku najti odgovore, ki mu jih um in okolica ne znajo podati. Zdravi telo in duha hkrati, nudi rešilno bilko, ko jo najbolj potrebuješ. Je kot svetilnik, ki te nežno porine na pot, ki si jo morda med tokom življenja izgubil in take svetilnike nujno potrebujemo. Vsekakor velik prispevek posamezniku in okolici.«

Rebeka Matičević

»Zelo sem hvaležna, ker mi je konec leta 2018 življenje na pot pripeljalo Barbaro. Bila sem v precejšnji notranji stiski in Barbara je bila prva oseba, ki sem ji zmogla zaupati. Od takrat redno prihajam v atelje Voce divina, bodisi na individualna srečanja, bodisi na skupinska osvobajanja z glasom. Pred kratkim pa sem šla prvič na individualno holistično petje in zelo mi je bilo všeč. Barbara je oseba, ki izžareva ogromno topline, razumevanja, sočutja ter ima res neverjetno širino duha in znanj.«


»Barbarin glas je poklon Stvarstvu! Njena mesečna meditativna srečanja podprejo fizična in energijska telesa vaše lastne manifestacije, da zmorete odpreti srce, zbistriti um in pogledati eni in edini resnici v oči. Priporočam iz vsega srca.«

Sara J.

»K Barbari Vodnik sem prišla kot popoln začetnik, po priporočilu drugih. V enem letu sem dobila celostno obravnavo ter vpogled v dinamiko in sinergijo glasbe s telesom. Barbara je čuječa učiteljica, ki me je popeljala v nove svetove in obudila že pozabljene. Nepozabne so tudi skupinske meditacije, kjer sem se nepričakovano navdušila še za igranje klaviatur, kar bo nedvomno pripomoglo k še boljšemu napredovanju v petju. Zelo priporočam vsem, ki se podajajo na glasbeno pot, profesionalno ali samo za hobi, saj atelje Voce divina v nadaljevanju ponuja tudi priložnosti vokalnih spremljav, za kar so organizirane avdicije.«

Vesna Babić

»Barbara Vodnik je izjemna ženska – ena izmed najbolj srčnih oseb. S svojo milino in toplino mi je takoj zlezla pod kožo in se mi za vedno zasidrala v srce. Tudi sicer je, v njeni prisotnosti mogoče spoznati svojo najboljšo različico. Preprosto zna priklicati tisto, kar najbolj sije v vsakem izmed nas, a je kot največji zaklad skrito globoko v našem notranjem svetu.«

mirela smajic 1Mirela Smajić


Music is the oldest healer of all time, and the voice is an innate healer for everyone, which in its existence and operation gives birth to vibrations of self-healing, which we place as a piece of the mosaic in the extensive field of energy-vibrational medicine.

With the help of the tools of artistic expression, the voice can be freed, enlivened, and empowered, because “having a voice” does not mean only the ability to sing, but much, much more.

Contact with sound, voice, music, words, and touch is contact with ENERGY – VIBRATION – FREQUENCY, which leads us to high fluidity and harmony of personal expression – the Voice of the individual.

Why visit our Holistic studio?

“Sometimes we just need the support of someone who believes in us strongly enough, until the moment we can believe in ourselves.”

Voce divina

Are you facing the challenges of various forms of mind, body and spirit disharmony?

  • Various acute or chronic disease states.

  • Mild and more pronounced psychological conditions.

  • Weakened self-esteem and other unexplained feelings in relation to oneself and others.
  • Challenges in private or business relationships.

  • Lack of energy, exhaustion, overload, chronic fatigue.

  • Material lack of flow and inability to progress in life.

  • Failure to control anger and aggression, feeling unstable, and confused.
  • Forms of depression and paranoia, insomnia.
  • States of psychophysical immobility and malaise for no known reason.
  • Challenges of life that one wants to recognize, transform, and balance.


Atelier of life

“In the atelier of life, we are both artists and creation, we ourselves, because we can (re)shape and create a new psychophysical image of ourselves in various ways and establish balance on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.”


“Alternative fields, of which we are also a part, come from records of thousands of years of history, many philosophies and forms of treatment, which with sound and vibration took care of the path of psychophysical health until today. Science is already opening wide the doors of cooperation and mutual connection with different fields, which has led to concrete results and findings even from the experts.”


Only when I have, can I give.

“When I experience it, I can tell about it. When I am liberated and illuminate the unilluminated, I can reach out, liberate, and illuminate further. When I empower the Voice, I am the Voice.”


“Completely unique massage rituals, born from the heart and knowledge of Barbara Vodnik.”

The ancient knowledge of different cultures has been woven into wonderful, intertwining techniques that bring extraordinary experiences and have a beneficial effect on our body and spirit. They were created with the purpose of pampering and additional support, but above all to increase psychophysical fluidity on the way to liberation and empowerment.


Latest contributions



If you want to know a little more about us and our work, we warmly invite you to listen to and read the latter in the selected contributions.