»Her natural gift is the ability to perceive the holistic functioning of a person’s energy field, through which she recognizes individual challenges and disharmonies. It only connects you emotionally with the acquired knowledge, which gives the individual confidence and strength.«
Founder and owner of the Holistic studio of musical creativity Voce divina & Zavod Glas
Sound and voice therapist
Academic musical alchemist with special musical technical and musical therapeutic skills
Barbara is an eternal researcher of music and its influence on a person’s psychophysical development and energy system. In recent years, he has devoted himself deeply to the latter when working with people, who, due to hardship and helplessness, are no longer able to use their voice, whether for singing, speaking or personal expression, which often leads to a broken balance in the body.
With the help of rich knowledge of energy-vibration medicine, he successfully leads the individual to harmonization and empowerment.
Voice is energy, vibration, and frequency. He is a natural healer of the individual and a connoisseur of every record, impression, and memory of material and immaterial bodies. Due to her exceptional connection with both her inner and outer Voice, Barbara has a beneficial effect on many and with her heartfelt mentoring leads them to the personal empowerment of their own actions and the rebirth of their own selves..
Many describe her as the “voice whisperer”, because often the frequency of an individual’s voice – speech, singing or other forms of expression and action – is the key to the secrets that are imprinted in the deep records and memories of the unconscious. “A magical alchemy of rebirth happens,” says Barbara.
More and more people who are suffering from serious health problems are turning to Barbara. Only those who have faced greater challenges in the path of personal existence join her. Musicians who have lost touch with their own voices and other individuals. There are many young people who want a healthy and harmonious life in all areas, which fills her with immense gratitude because young people are the hope of the future.
Her unconditionality and respect opens the door to just about anyone. Regardless of (their lack of) knowledge of her field or various (dis)abilities, and potential challenges on the path of life, everyone is welcome with her, because she really enjoys her work, whether it is singing with children and adults with special needs – which is a parable of pure source energy for her or anyone else.
A combination of knowledge and natural gifts, together with the cooperation of the individual, it helps to balance the energy flows in the body and stabilize the imbalance through the establishment of the flow of energy – vibration, through the connection of meridians and the entire energetic physical structure. The response of improvement is felt by most visitors already after the first meeting and the first alchemy – therapy, but otherwise in accordance with the ability and previous starting points of their own contribution.
Each individual, as well as all other sentient beings, is treated holistically, and helps them become aware of their own active role in the process of harmonizing and self-activating in their own lives.
It takes time for the processes that enable the natural maturation of the transformation and consequently lead to lasting results. Every being has its own “tactful way” of development, so it acts only according to the capabilities of the individual and his highest good. She does not believe in “quick results” due to unexpectedness and in working without a clear awareness of the individual.
She also says that first of all, it is necessary to recognize, raise awareness, and free the causes of disharmony – illness or deviation from one’s own Voice – only then can we focus on its consequences. When the consequence is so active in its functioning that the individual is no longer capable of clear thoughts, words, or actions, the individual is first helped to achieve a state of inner peace, which is the fundamental starting point of psychophysical or vibrational rehabilitation.
Barbara spent most of her educational career abroad – Rome, Graz, Vienna, London, where she acquired knowledge at world-renowned universities Academys of Music, under the mentorship of many famous names in the world of music creation and on british academy of sound therapy, which helped shape her natural voice and expressive talent into the living center of her open, sensitive personality.
She is one of the most comprehensively educated singing teachers, as well as extremely talented holistic therapists in Slovenia and on an international scale, and an artist with a powerful voice instrument with a penetrating and uniquely colorful sonority.
Her professional competencies and experiences, in her current teaching practice, encompass her deep knowledge of the development and functioning of the human voice as an instrument, all the way from before birth to physical growth and lifelong spiritual maturation of the individual.
As a teacher of holistic and solo singing, she gives both amateur and trained singers of all generations the opportunity to discover their unborn voice, explore it, train it, cultivate it, and realize its full potential, or simply regenerate it and empower it to the point of full expression.
Barbara also encourages anyone who has a desire to simply sing and believes they are deaf. She says that anyone who listens under her mentorship can “remember” again.
She is the founder and mentor of the Voce divina Academy, where she teaches knowledge to future therapists and all those who want to harmonize their lives with independent work on themselves.
Veterinary technician, head of meditation at the Glas Institute and assistant director of Voca divina
“In the infinity of timelessness, the vastness of the universe, and the limitlessness of everything, we are travelers of living, multifaceted stories that our existence weaves together. From the past for the future. The faces of time paint vibrant portraits and weave living tales, reflecting all that we are, all we can offer, and all we can experience in any given space and time! And that is where the unique spark of the story of each of us is hidden.”
Jure, like all of us, is on this journey from “somewhere to someplace”. He exists in a time where the “wind in his wings” are the stories of books, through which he “travels through the infinite galaxy of current Self-Awareness and the feeling of universal Truth” and tries to write his story, leave his traces through moments of “light and darkness”.
He is inspired and delighted by all the sentient beings of Nature, through whose eyes the stories are even more eloquent and precious. In the depths of what has been experienced up to the “here and now” he is only a “storyteller”, as he says, through which he grows at every moment in accordance with the Purpose of existence. Maybe it’s a story that brings us inspiration or just a relaxed experience of free time. He hopes that through these stories he shares, people find their Truth and perhaps a glimpse of the light they are looking for.
“They are the stories we read. There are stories we talk about, but there are also stories we live and write together!”
External associate of the Voce divina secretariat, manual therapist, expert manager of SPA Divina, board of the Zavod Glas
An exceptional long-term masseuse and manual therapist, with both ancient and modern expertise. She gained her rich professional experience in various fields from top teachers, which is reflected in her work over the years. More than 20 years ago, she passed the national professional qualification and, along with her other skills in completely different fields, embarked on the path of Purpose.
She began her spiritual journey 20 years ago when she was drawn to Tantra Kriya Yoga. With the help of Polona Sepa and her team, she began to learn about herself and her relationship to the world. She also mastered her knowledge with many other spiritual teachers, and since 2018, she has continued her journey with Barbara Vodnik, who heartily leads her to new knowledge and connection with what she already knows.
A very special touch and respect for the body was placed in her cradle, as the love for relaxation and liberation of the body was born very early. We all love to return to the warmly received touch of her hands.
Medical technician, manual therapist, holistic consultant, trainee in the method of vibration medicine and head of the Voce divina Solkan business unit, expert council of the Glas Institute
A musician and masseuse, who has been successfully combining medical therapeutic skills with energetic spiritual knowledge for many years.
In search of her truth, she began her spiritual journey 25 years ago, which led her to masters of various spiritual fields, and with the help of whom she built herself and enriched her knowledge in the field of both massage and spiritual techniques. Although he is a medical and cosmetic technician, he deeply believes that in order to resolve aesthetic as well as health problems, it is necessary to consider all levels of the psychophysical as well as energy bodies.
She has already helped many who like to return either for advice or to the “oasis of the touch of her golden hands”.
External professional associate of Voca divina and Zavod Glas, event mng and public relations, mag. econ. and business. studies
During her experience living in magical Scandinavia, Barbara reconnected with her northern soul. In Jönköping, Sweden, she completed part of her studies at one of the best international business faculties and completed a master’s degree in strategic and project management at the University of Maribor. She is most proud of the sincere smiles and traces in her heart that she made with wonderful people around the world.
In its business collaborations, it swears by a holistic approach. He wants to get to know the creator, whose brand he helps co-create, as a person – his values, outlook on life and attitude towards fellow human beings. He does not believe in projects that do not bring quality content, or added value and do not change the world for the better.
She mainly devotes her time to researching the synergies between science and spirituality, she is interested in life and people’s responses to everyday challenges. She wants his fellow man to have enough courage and patience to be able to follow the voice of his intuition. She says that trust is the foundation of everything and that it is necessary to surrender to the little magics of life that fill the hidden corners of our souls.
»Zelo sem hvaležna, ker mi je konec leta 2018 življenje na pot pripeljalo Barbaro. Bila sem v precejšnji notranji stiski in Barbara je bila prva oseba, ki sem ji zmogla zaupati. Od takrat redno prihajam v atelje Voce divina, bodisi na individualna srečanja, bodisi na skupinska osvobajanja z glasom. Pred kratkim pa sem šla prvič na individualno holistično petje in zelo mi je bilo všeč. Barbara je oseba, ki izžareva ogromno topline, razumevanja, sočutja ter ima res neverjetno širino duha in znanj.«
»Z Barbaro ni šale. Ob mojem prvem obisku ni potrebovala niti 10 minut da me je – skeptika – pustila brez besed. Barbara ni ena izmed tisočih samooklicanih zdravilcev z izobešenimi diplomami na steni – rojena je z redkim darom in je avtentična strokovnjakinja. Na misel mi ne pride, da bi se obrnila na koga drugega! Hvala draga Barbara, da si me predstavila samo sebi. Sploh nisem vedela s kako močno osebo v sebi živim vsak dan. Želim si, da bi se tega zavedali tudi drugi. Priporočam te z vsem spoštovanjem!«
»Barbara te s svojim neizmerno lepim glasom in zvokom njenih instrumentov popelje v pozabljeno preteklost, da se ponovno spomniš občutkov, ki ti pomagajo prebuditi Žensko v tebi. Vsaka individualna ura ali delavnica z Barbaro je čarobna. Še prosim!«
»Barbara Vodnik je izjemno tankočutna terapevtka, ki s svojim obširnim znanjem in intuicijo pri vsakomur najde vzrok težav in ga tako na energijski ravni kot z nasveti pomaga odpraviti. Vidi klientov potencial, ga podpre na pravi način, mu stoji ob strani pri raztapljanju blokad in ga spodbuja na njegovi poti iskanja in izražanja samega sebe v svetu.«
»Barbara je kot sonce tiste galaksije, ki je z umom ne moremo najti, pridemo pa do nje lahko samo s srcem. Ker njeno je tako veliko, da se za vsakogar najde prostor in tako nesebično, da še najbolj pogumni postanejo ponižni. Preprosto je luč, ki zasveti, ko misliš, da je že povsod zmanjkalo elektrike. Njeno delo je predano in usmerjeno, da pomaga človeku najti odgovore, ki mu jih um in okolica ne znajo podati. Zdravi telo in duha hkrati, nudi rešilno bilko, ko jo najbolj potrebuješ. Je kot svetilnik, ki te nežno porine na pot, ki si jo morda med tokom življenja izgubil in take svetilnike nujno potrebujemo. Vsekakor velik prispevek posamezniku in okolici.«
»Barbara Vodnik je izjemna ženska – ena izmed najbolj srčnih oseb. S svojo milino in toplino mi je takoj zlezla pod kožo in se mi za vedno zasidrala v srce. Tudi sicer je, v njeni prisotnosti mogoče spoznati svojo najboljšo različico. Preprosto zna priklicati tisto, kar najbolj sije v vsakem izmed nas, a je kot največji zaklad skrito globoko v našem notranjem svetu.«
»K Barbari Vodnik sem prišla kot popoln začetnik, po priporočilu drugih. V enem letu sem dobila celostno obravnavo ter vpogled v dinamiko in sinergijo glasbe s telesom. Barbara je čuječa učiteljica, ki me je popeljala v nove svetove in obudila že pozabljene. Nepozabne so tudi skupinske meditacije, kjer sem se nepričakovano navdušila še za igranje klaviatur, kar bo nedvomno pripomoglo k še boljšemu napredovanju v petju. Zelo priporočam vsem, ki se podajajo na glasbeno pot, profesionalno ali samo za hobi, saj atelje Voce divina v nadaljevanju ponuja tudi priložnosti vokalnih spremljav, za kar so organizirane avdicije.«
»Barbarin glas je poklon Stvarstvu! Njena mesečna meditativna srečanja podprejo fizična in energijska telesa vaše lastne manifestacije, da zmorete odpreti srce, zbistriti um in pogledati eni in edini resnici v oči. Priporočam iz vsega srca.«
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